Meet the Team – Jacob Galliher-Miller
Team Member: Jacob Galliher-Miller
Position: Assistant Innkeeper, Castellan, Game Instructor
Jacob Galliher-Miller is one of the newest members of the Ravenwood Castle team, having joined us just a few months ago. Whether he’s behind the bar in the Raven’s Roost Pub, running a game in the Library or keeping the castle running smoothly, you can be sure he’ll greet you with a smile. We recently pulled Jacob away from his busy schedule to get to know him better.
Ravenwood: Tell us a bit about yourself.
Jacob: I was born in Hagerstown, Indiana. I enjoy Martial Arts, running from zombies, hiking, board games, playing guitar, singing, tattoos, and kitties!
Ravenwood: What did you do before you joined Ravenwood Castle?
Jacob: I was a kitchen designer at Lowe’s Home Improvement. I was in charge of a customer’s entire experience as we built their dream kitchen, from design to installation.
Ravenwood: What made you decide to leave Indiana and move to a castle in the middle of Ohio?
Jacob: It was a chance to get away from the hustle of city life and enjoy a quieter time in the Hocking Hills, plus I love to teach and play board games! So naturally Ravenwood seemed like a place I’d really enjoy working. Oh, and the craft beer is a plus as well! When I found out Ravenwood was hiring, my wife and I jumped at the chance to come here and be a part of this.
Ravenwood: What is the best part about working at Ravenwood Castle?
Jacob: Serving good beer to good people! And of course all of the board games!
Ravenwood: You are one of Ravenwood Castle’s Game Instructors, so you get to play a lot of games. What is your favorite game?
Jacob: Right now my wife and my favorite game is the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game (Editors Note: The Adventure Card Game was recently chosen as Ravenwood’s Game of the Month). But I would have to put Elder Sign as our all-time favorite. We enjoy that it’s a cooperative game that we can both play that doesn’t get too competitive, and we love the Cthulhu flavor of the game!
Ravenwood: What do you like best about living in the Hocking Hills area?
Jacob: The gorgeous countryside and amazing caves!