New Year’s Murder Mystery – Steampunk Sherlock!
Our Murder Mysteries have covered a lot of themes in the last two seasons. But there’s no need to worry about things getting stale, we have a whole slew of exciting new adventures in store for our detectives.
In fact, we’re going to kick off the new year with another brand new mystery theme – Sherlock Holmes! I’m frankly a bit surprised we haven’t already done a Sherlock mystery. After all, it’s a natural fit. You might even say it’s (ahem) elementary!
But as with just about everything else we do here at Ravenwood, we’ve added our own special twist. Sherlock Holmes is great, but what’s even better? Why, Steampunk Sherlock Holmes, of course!
Members of the Ravenwood Detective Agency are called upon to assist that greatest of detectives in the case of his life. Travel to a steam powered Victorian-era England and match wits with the most precise and meticulous villain we’ve ever encountered!
So join us December 30th through January 1st for Sherlock Holmes and the Steampunk Killings. Tickets are $100, and include Wednesday night’s dinner. The event starts with dinner on Tuesday. Late arrivals will be accommodated as best as possible, but to enjoy the full experience please attempt to arrive early Tuesday evening.
If you haven’t been to one of our mystery weekends and are wondering what they are all about, check out our Murder Mystery page for all of the details. And stay tuned here at Quoth the Raven to hear about the rest of the great mysteries we have planned for this season!