Murder? Inconceivable! – Jan 27th & 28th
The Ravenwood Detective Agency is tackling some exciting adventures in the 2016-2017 Murder Mystery season. Perhaps none has been so well received as the debut of our Princess Bride themed mystery, Murder? As You Wish! The theme has been so popular in fact, that we are thrilled to announce it will be returning for a sequel this season!
At the edge of the Fire Swamp sits a lonely outpost, known as Ravenwood Castle. Aside from the flame spurts, lightning sand and rodents of unusual size, the castle residents live a simple and relatively peaceful life.
But of late, something is amiss. Over the past few weeks the castle has been plagued by a series of untimely – although apparently accidental – deaths. The first seemed innocuous enough; the second, a bit coincidental. After the third, people began to ask questions. Are these deaths perhaps less than accidental? Could it be, Murder? Inconceivable!
Join the Ravenwood Detective Agency January 27th & 28th as we fall victim to one of the classic blunders and go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
Tickets for Murder? Inconceivable! are $100, and include Saturday night’s dinner. As with all of our mysteries, the event starts with dinner on Friday. Late arrivals are inconceivable, but will be accommodated as best as possible. To enjoy the full experience please attempt to arrive early Friday evening.
And stay tuned for announcements of even more exciting mystery announcements for the 2016-2017 season!
If you haven’t been to one of our mystery weekends and are wondering what they are all about, check out our Murder Mystery page for all of the details. And stay tuned here at Quoth the Raven to hear about the rest of the great mysteries we have planned for this season!