Midnight Garden of the Living Dead – Sept 8th & 9th
A growing tradition here at Ravenwood Castle is to kick off a new Murder Mystery season with one of our favorite tried and true themes – zombies! The commencement of the Ravenwood Detective Agency’s 2017-2018 season is no different, and will begin September 8th & 9th with a devilish new twist on our zombie mysteries.
Of course as those of you familiar with our mysteries can guess, the season’s surprises won’t end there. We’ve got a great lineup of new and returning themes for our detectives to enjoy and a couple of great twists as well! But more on that later… Now, without further ado, I’m pleased to announce the Midnight Garden of the Living Dead!
In the last several years the grounds of Ravenwood Castle have been witness to repeated outbreaks of undead hordes. From time to time wandering zombies have infested the trails, the woods around the castle, and even the castle itself. The castle’s stalwart residents had thought they’d seen it all. That is, until the very grounds themselves succumbed to the undead plague!
It started with a sudden overgrowth of poison ivy and toxic mushrooms which choked off the trails surrounding the castle. Groundskeepers dispatched to correct the issue returned shaken and spooked, reporting strange sightings. Some even swore that the plants appeared to be following them.
The problem spread to the castle’s gardens. Castle residents awoke one morning to find the gardens, neatly trimmed and kept the night before, tangled, overgrown, and infested with Venomous Tentacula.
The loss of the castle’s hedge maze was the final straw. Over several days an unknown growth appeared in the center of the maze, and could be seen swaying in the wind… even when there was no wind. The Head Groundskeeper set off into the maze to remove the growth. A bloodcurdling scream was heard, and the Head Groundskeeper has not been seen since.
Veterans and novices alike are invited to join us September 8th & 9th for the kick off of the 2017-2018 Murder Mystery season, the Midnight Garden of the Living Dead!
Tickets for Midnight Garden of the Living Dead are $100, and include Saturday night’s dinner. As with all of our mysteries, the event starts with dinner on Friday. Late arrivals will be accommodated as best as possible, but to enjoy the full experience please attempt to arrive early Friday evening.
And stay tuned for more announcements about our exciting 2017-2018 mystery season!
If you haven’t been to one of our mystery weekends and are wondering what they are all about, check out our Murder Mystery page for all of the details. And stay tuned here at Quoth the Raven to hear about the rest of the great mysteries we have planned for this season!