Choose Your Own Adventure, Part VI
It’s hard to believe that we only have one mystery left in the 2018-2019 Murder Mystery season. But it’s true, the upcoming Sherlock Holmes and the Poison Pen is in fact the last mystery of the season. While we’re sad to see another season wrap up, there is a silver lining… it is time for another of our annual Choose Your Own Adventure contests!
Every year the team at Ravenwood Castle and the Shadow Stalkers put their devious minds together and come up with some great adventures on which to send the Ravenwood Detectives. We’ve got a great backlog of themes that we can return to from time to time, not to mention an ever growing list of genres, topics and fandoms to explore. But perhaps our best source for new themes is you, our past, present and future Ravenwood Detectives!
So once again we put the question to you – what adventures would YOU like to tackle in the coming season? What kind of mystery would YOU like to solve?
We have pinned a Choose Your Own Adventure post to our Facebook page, and are asking you to place your theme suggestions in the comments. Check out the suggestions, and hit “Like” on the themes you would be most interested in seeing us tackle. Don’t see the theme you’re looking for? Don’t be shy, leave us a comment and suggest it!
The viable theme with the most “Likes” will be featured in the 2019-2020 Murder Mystery season!
If you haven’t been to one of our mystery weekends and are wondering what they are all about, check out our Murder Mystery page for all the details. And stay tuned here on Quoth the Raven for announcements about the upcoming 2019-2020 murder mystery season!