Summer Events Update
As of May 1st, Ravenwood Castle resumed operations as a part of Ohio’s Responsible Restart program. Over the last few weeks we have been thrilled to welcome many guests back to the property. We have implemented some new procedures for safety, which for the most part have only a minor impact on our guests’ experience. All in all, operations are resuming apace, and we look forward to seeing many more of you over the coming weeks and months.
One of the safety restrictions under which we are currently operating limits group gatherings to ten or less individuals (with the exception of weddings). This has little effect on our normal operations, as most groups that join us for a family vacation, romantic getaway, or just to get out of the house fall under this threshold. Unfortunately, some of our popular events include activities that place people and groups into close proximity, and might violate the spirit if not the letter of the ten person gathering limitation. As such, we have decided that we will not be hosting our usual summer events for 2020. Namely, we will be skipping our summer Beer Tasting Weekend, as well as our Con in the Castle gaming convention.
But fear not! As disappointed as we are that we will not be able to enjoy these traditional events, we are able to provide some alternatives to tide you over until our regular events resume!
We had an amazing Beer Tasting weekend planned for this June, featuring an engaging beer representative who would have shared not two, but THREE separate brewery lineups with us! Although we will not be able to enjoy that planned event in June, we are hoping to place it in the December Beer Tasting spot. In the meantime, we continue to stock a great lineup of craft beer in the Raven’s Roost Pub, and are in the process of adding some tasty new items to our pub food menu (Dragon Wings or a new and improved Excaliburger anyone?). Stop in for a weekend getaway, and create your very own beer tasting experience!
We also had another great Con in the Castle planned for this year, with the return of a much requested Guest of Honor. We are in discussions to move that Guest to either Con in the Castle 2021, or perhaps even Hoop & Stick Con 2021. Stay tuned for details as we have them. Although we won’t all be able to get together to game in July, our library of games is still available, as are our selection of great gaming locations. So get out of the house for a few days, stop in and enjoy a game or three. Have a group of ten or less that you’d like to game with? Ask us about our Ravenwood Raid package, where you can reserve the Library for the exclusive use of your group and create your own mini-convention!
We look forward to resuming our regular event schedule in the Fall. Be sure to stay tuned for more announcements.