Ravenwood Castle

Hoop & Stick Con

What is Hoop & Stick Con?

We’re glad you asked!  Hoop & Stick Con is a weekend of board games, role playing games and general gaming goodness! In a castle!!

The thirteenth annual Hoop & Stick Con was held February 27th through March 2nd, 2025. Tickets for Hoop & Stick Con 2025 were $75 and included access to all gaming sessions – and the entire $75 ticket was a donation to Extra Life and Children’s Miracle Network!

In 2023 we also added an online auction component, Hoop & Stick Con Online!

HOOP & STICK CON! toggle section

HOOP & STICK CON ONLINE! toggle section

Our 2025 Hoop & Stick Con Sponsors!

To make a direct donation to our fundraising drive, visit our Extra Life page!

This Is All For Children’s Hospitals?!

That’s right! This amazing event isn’t just about gaming. Well ok, it IS about gaming… but gaming for a cause!

At the core of Hoop & Stick Con is a fundraising event dedicated to raising money for children’s hospitals. For the first few years, our primary charity was Child’s Play, which raises money to provide toys and games to children in hospitals around the world. In 2016 we were excited to begin supporting Extra Life, a Children’s Miracle Network fundraising program.

In addition to the $75 donation included in the price of each ticket, Ravenwood Castle also donates 50% of all room rentals for the weekend.  Of course 100% of the proceeds from the silent auction also go to Children’s Miracle Network.

We set ourselves an aggressive fundraising goal each year. With your help, we have met our goal every time, and over the years have raised over $200,000 for children’s hospitals!


Our 2025 Silent Auction Donors!