Ravenwood Castle

Con in the Castle

Con in the Castle!

Con in the Castle is Ravenwood Castle’s summer gaming convention. It is a weekend of board games, role playing games and general gaming goodness!! In a castle!!!

Con in the Castle includes three days and two nights of gaming activities, featuring: game demonstrations, multiple role playing sessions, such as Pathfinder and Dungeons & Dragons, and board games galore.

Tickets for Con in the Castle are $100, and include access to all gaming sessions.

Con in the Castle 2024 was held July 12th & 13, 2024!

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Con in the Castle 2024 features Steve Jackson Games as our Guest of Honor!

Since 1980, Steve Jackson Games has been creating innovative tabletop games that have become modern classics. Their best-known titles include MunchkinZombie DiceGURPSOgreCar WarsIlluminati, and The Fantasy Trip. Looking for more? Explore the complete Steve Jackson Games catalog at Warehouse23.com, where you’ll find games, dice, accessories, and more.