Beer Tasting Weekend – July 25th & 26th
Two months ago we held our first ever Beer Tasting Weekend. The guests and the brewery representatives who joined us all had a great time (as did we!), and as they departed Sunday morning they left us with a request – “Please do more tasting weekends!”
We are more than happy to comply, and are pleased to announce the next in what will be a long series of Beer Tasting events, to be held July 25th and 26th. Like our first tasting, this will be no ordinary beer tasting dinner. This event spans two full days of good food and great beer, starring two great Ohio breweries.
Dinner Friday night will feature the Cellar Rats Brewery, hailing from the northeastern corner of Ohio. Cellar Rats produces a great lineup of annual and seasonal beers, including my personal all time favorite Oktoberfest. Brewery owner Ed Trebets will be joining us for dinner Friday evening, and will be bringing along several fine Cellar Rats’ creations, including their signature Rat Tail Ale and The Black Rat Imperial Stout.
Dinner Saturday night will continue our spotlight on northeast Ohio breweries, featuring Great Lakes Brewing out of Cleveland. Great Lakes is no stranger to the Raven’s Roost Pub, as we routinely have three or four of their beers on our menu. We will be sampling a few of them Saturday evening, along with a pub exclusive or two! Stay tuned for the exact menu. We will be joined by Lydia Johnson from Great Lakes, who will be discussing their finely crafted brews with us.
While we absolutely love Ohio breweries, we do include a few beers from outside the state on the Raven’s Roost menu. Saturday afternoon’s tasting will feature some of our favorites of these non-Ohio creations.
So join us July 25th and 26th for a weekend of great craft brews! Tickets are $75 per person and include dinner Friday and Saturday nights, and samplings of at least a dozen beers throughout the weekend. Click the “Reservation” button at the top of this page or call (740) 596-2606 to book your room now!
Please note that the event starts with dinner on Friday. Late arrivals will be accommodated as best as possible, but to enjoy the full experience please attempt to arrive early Friday evening.