Intro to Gaming

In the last year we’ve made quite a few changes at Ravenwood Castle.  One of the most interesting changes has been the introduction of gaming to the castle services.  We’ve  added a large library of hobby games which are available for guest use, we’ve put on several game oriented events, and have even hosted several gaming conventions.  If you are a gamer, this all makes sense to you.  If not, you may be wondering what these games are all about, or why they’ve become an important part of Ravenwood Castle.  Don’t worry, you’re not alone!  Lately we’ve been getting a lot of questions from our curious non-gaming guests and business partners.

The answer to the latter question is easy.  Our primary mission at Ravenwood Castle is to help you leave the hussle and bussle of daily life behind, and to provide an environment where you can enjoy time with family and friends.  Sitting around a table with a game is a great way to spend that quality time, and as such is a perfect complement to our philosophy and mission!

The answer to the first question takes a little more time, as there are so many different types of games to talk about. Rather than writing a long article about all the different types of games, we’ve decided to show you!   To that end we’ve launched a new series of free events, the Intro to Gaming series.  One of our game instructors will give you a brief introduction into a board game or role playing game, and you’ll be able to enjoy a few rounds with other guests.  And did I mention that these events are completely free?

We’ve already held two of these events, and received a lot of positive feedback.  We’ll definitely be running more, so keep your eye out for announcements of dates, times, and themes, and we hope to see you there!


Jim Reed

Jim Reed is a lifelong gamer who started with the original red box Dungeons & Dragons. After spending 20 years in the corporate world, he decided it was high time that work be fun and struck out on his own. Jim now owns and operates Ravenwood Castle, and spends his days ensuring his guests have as much fun as he does.