Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Hand – Sept 18th & 19th
As I write this, ominous thunderclouds gather on the horizon, truly making this a dark and stormy… afternoon. I can’t think of a more fitting ambiance in which to announce the start of the 2015-2016 murder mystery season.
We’ve spent the break working with the nice Mr. Denham and the Shadow Stalkers to come up with a season that’s even more amazing than the last – and we think we’ve done it! We start the new season off with a bang, with Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Deadly Hand!
A mysterious note was recently found in one of our Gypsy Wagons, where it was left inside a plain cardboard box – pinned to a severed human hand. The note simply read: Moriarty Lives! The first detectives on the scene have determined that the hand – and the threat – is real. This conclusion was quickly reinforced when a second note arrived, this one nailed to the castle’s front door, along with a human ear. Moriarty is not just alive – he’s angry!
The Ravenwood Detective agency is calling for reinforcements, and requests assistance from veteran and novice detectives alike. Join us September 18th and 19th for the return of Sherlock Holmes to Ravenwood Castle!
Tickets for Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Deadly Hand are $100, and include Saturday night’s dinner. As with all of our mysteries, the event starts with dinner on Friday. Late arrivals will be accommodated as best as possible, but to enjoy the full experience please attempt to arrive early Friday evening.
And stay tuned for announcements of more great mysteries and other events in the 2015-2016 season. We’re just getting started!
If you haven’t been to one of our mystery weekends and are wondering what they are all about, check out our Murder Mystery page for all of the details. And stay tuned here at Quoth the Raven to hear about the rest of the great mysteries we have planned for this season!